Author Topic: exporting Electron Phonon Coupling plots to text using pythonatk  (Read 4273 times)

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Offline dannyb123

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Dear QuantumATK experts,

I am a new user. I am trying to export the plot data from an Electron Phonon Coupling analysis into text using pythonatk. Basically, to follow the same steps as in the GUI and save the plots as text, just with a script. I would like to set the widget data (electronBand,  phonoMode etc.) in the script as well.

I looked into the AddOns for ElectronPhononCouplingPlugins but still cannot figure it out. Could you please provide a simple example? I completed the analysis and produced an hdf5 file that I can read at the beginning of the script as:

epc = nlread('data.hdf5', ElectronPhononCoupling)[0]

Thank you in advance