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Messages - ssp

Pages: [1]
Thank you,Now I can use Job Manager to deliver tasks to the supercomputer. Our school  supercomputer has two login addresses, and I  change the IP address to 203 and it run .But I use xshell to login 203 and 204 is the same account, login in 204 can also use the command “sabtch atk.slurm” to submit the task, I don't know why,but it  possible doesn't  matter. .

users use high-performance computing clusters, need to log in to the cluster of landing nodes login1/login2, can log in through a variety of ways. The ip address of the login1 is the ip address of the;login2 is ; the two landing nodes have the functions of shunt and redundancy.

Thank you,it is my .bashrc file.

Thank you. Here is the result of my entire input "ssh liuxiaolin@ 'echo $0; echo $SHELL; env'"

Thank you. I put the output in the output.txt file.

I tried, but it still couldn't work. Here are my settings.

Hello, I can log in to my supercomputer server, I can use the "which bash" command and the result is "/ usr/bin/bash", or I can use the script command "sbatch atk.slurm" to do the calculation. I list my files in the attachment.

I can't  set remote SLURM of QuantumATK,I need help
It's my setting:

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