« on: March 29, 2010, 08:14 »
I have made extensive calculations for pristine (5,5) CNT by changing the electrode length, Lx, and the length of the scattering region. Lz = 2.45A for a primitive cell.
(a) 4-4-4 cells in the left electrode, scattering region, and the right electrode. Lx-Ly = 25A, Lz = 2.45*4
(b) 4-4-4 cells, Lx = Ly = 32A (much larger than that for (a)), Lz = 2.45*4
(c) 5-5-5 cells, Lx=Ly = 25A. Lz = 2.45*5
For all of the runs above, I still get a very sharp dip (Transmission = 0) in the transmission at E=0.
Also note that I find that T = 2.0 (correct answer) at E = 0.005 eV !!!
I guess I have tried all your suggestions in your previous reply,and I still get a wrong answer!
What can you suggest me next to get the right answer? Does't this mean that there's a bug in the code?
I hope that I would have your reply very soon.