I wonder how ATK sets the number of k-points in the equivalent bulk calculation for a two-probe system. Does it use Gamma-point only?
In relation to this question, it is strange that I do not get the same Fermi level for an electrode and the equivalent bulk calculation in the two-probe configuration for a perfect metal wire. We should expect the same value of Fermi energy for the two calculation!
I guess that the observed difference comes from the difference in the number of k-points, i.e., the difference in the accuracy of two calculations. As everbody does, we can specify the number of k-points for the elctrode in the two-probe calculation, say, 40. Then, how is the number of k-points for the equivalen bulk set ?
The reason why I am asking this is if we can make an estimation of charge transfer between the electrode and the scattering region by comparing values of the Fermi level from the two calculations.