To answer your question, I am interested not in long nanotubes, but in relatively small chunks of them. Say five or six unit cells.
I have yet to fully delve into Mr. Blom's code. Am I correct in thinking that by using the following snippit, I could create a 4,4 CNT of 5 unit cells.
def createNanotubeForCentralRegion(n,m,reps=1,elements=(Carbon,Carbon),bondlength=1.422*Ang)
Then would I call this in some way?
Say like CNTmetallic = createNanotubeForCentralRegion(4,4,reps=4,elements=(Carbon,Carbon,)...)
Like this ? You'll forgive me if my Python knowledge is weak.
If this is the case, how can I now use my "CNTmetallic" object ?
I much appreciate the help,