Dear all,
I am using QATK v2020.09 on Debian GNU/Linux 9 / Kernel 4.9.0-14-amd64 / CPU Core(TM) i7-6700 /16BG Memory /16 GB swap
I did the following calculation
I have computed the FatBS and PDOS of a twisted bilyaer MoS2 which contains 1300 atoms in unit cell.
The results of the calculation can be found here
here (the link will expire in a month)
From the computed data I try to plot the fat band using the following procedure
In the GUI, from the electronic properties section, when I choose the FatBand Analyzer, the proper window open. When I either try to save .hdf5 file after editing, or merge with PDOS plots, the ATK ran into crash.
The plotting process takes more than 16 GB and finally craches with the following log
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "zipdir/NL/GUI/Graphics/Plotter/PlotView/", line 384, in save
File "zipdir/NL/IO/", line 474, in nlsave
File "zipdir/NL/IO/", line 840, in writeHDF5Group
File "zipdir/NL/IO/", line 265, in _getVersionedData
File "zipdir/NL/IO/", line 179, in getValue
File "zipdir/NL/GUI/Graphics/Plotter/IO/", line 16, in pack
File "zipdir/NL/IO/", line 675, in pack
Cheers, A