In tutorial "Modeling metal–semiconductor contacts: The Ag–Si interface", in section "Silicon doping and depletion layer length", there is no bias parameter set for the HartreeDifferencePotential calculation.
It was said in the tutorial that "The wiggles of the potential can make it hard to see if it has converged to the electrode value. ". That means, the potential could be converged to the electrode value. However, the two figures in this section are different. The obvious difference lies on the ending values (converging value) of the HartreeDifferencePotential at the two electrodes. For example, it ends at about 3eV at the right electrode in the first figure, while it ends at about 0eV in the second figure. Assuming the parameter settings (such as bias) for the calculations were the same, where did the inconsistence come from?
Can anyone tell me the meaning of the Y coordinate and help me with this problem?