Dear Admin,
Are these methods same or different? (Kindly mention the difference if any) {Assume A & B are pre-relaxed before building interface}
Method 1: I make interface between two materials A & B using interface builder with a strain of 3%. Then I do interface relaxation using DFT keeping layers away from interface as rigid.
Method 2: I make interface between two materials A & B using interface builder with a strain of 0.8% (using large supercell). Then I do interface relaxation using DFT keeping layers away from interface as rigid.
Method 3: I just drag & drop two materials with (say) 4x4 supercell in builder & adjust interface distance to some value from experiments. Then perform a full DFT optimization.
Will all methods yield same end configuration? Also, how is method 3 different from 1 & 2 and if it is same what is then the purpose of interface builder?