Dear friends,
When I did one test about the transport properties of Li-H2-Li system by the both methods ATK-DFT and Device Extended Huckel using the newest version ATK11.2 released on 3 March, some errors occurred:
1. It seems that the method Device Extend Huckel can not do the optimization of one two-probe system.
2. Some analysises can not be obtained by the Device Extend Huckel method, such as the ElectronDensity, Forces, LocalDeviceDensityOfStates, Effective potential, and stress (also for ATK-DFT)
3. For one spin non-polarized transport calculation, some parameters are only alternative, up or down, such as for the calculation effective potential, Eigenstate, TransmissionEigenstate, TransmissionPathways,
4. About the TransmissionPathways researches, for one spin non-polarized transport calculation, Four situations should be inverstigated, such as Left+Up, Left+Down, Right+Up, and Right+Down.
5. For the ATK-DFT calculation, I have a trouble to decide the Poisson Slover parameters, for 1D Graphene nanoribbon transport calculation, which one is better for such system, Multi-grid, FFT2D, or FFT?