Segmentation fault can certainly occur as a result of not having enough memory, so perhaps the bus error was just a masked "out of memory segfault".
If you have problems with memory while using gated structures, the reason is usually that the mesh cut-off of the DFT model produces large grids. If possible, try using the Huckel method instead, it's highly accurate for graphene (I'm just guessing that's your system) as long as you use the Cerda graphite basis set. Contact me by mail for license options, we can provide a temporary ATK-SE license if you don't have one already; be sure to include information about your affiliation (preferably customer number). If you have at demo/trial license, you already have the ATK-SE feature.
But you really have 70 GB of RAM? It's hard to imagine that you run out of memory with SZ on that, so if you could please send your structure (by mail, if you don't want to post it publicly) so we can run some tests with it.