Both of these quantities are, at least in their simplest version, rather trivial to compute once you have the currents and total energies for the parallel and anti-parallel electrode configurations.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 237205 (2006), in the collinear approximation you can compute the spin torque parallel to the interface planes as
T||(theta) = hbar/2e*sin(theta)*(I_AP-I_P)/2
where I_AP/I_P is the anti-parallel/parallel SPIN current (i.e. spin up minus spin down current).
The interlayer exchange coupling is the difference in total energy between the two configurations; see, Eq. (3). Now, ATK actually computes the Gibbs free energy for device configurations, rather than the total energy, and I don't know for sure how that influences the results, esp. given the notes in the references article that it's often difficult - and crucial - to determine the energy difference accurately.
I'm sure the general computed trends wouldn't be much affected, but it is clear one must take care to converge the calculations to a low tolerance, and make sure to have proper k-point sampling etc (as we know this influences at the transmission very much, and hence the current, and the difference between the two configurations).