Thank you zh for your thorough and meaningful response. It cleared up a lot of issues.
I still have trouble with points 4. and 5.
4. Indeed, the applied voltage shifts the fermi level up/down and the energy range needs to be adjusted. My questions is what general guideline should I follow in order to adjust the energy range appropriately for a given bias?
5. As per this post: voltage drop is calculated by:
voltage_drop = calculateEffectivePotential(finite_bias) - calculateEffectivePotential(zero_bias)
With the electrode constraint 'DensityMatrix'.
Is it possible to find the effective potential if my self-consistent calculations were done using the semi-empirical Huckel method?
I also have one more point to add to this discussion:
7. Even though the workfunction of the gate was discussed in a previous post:, I still don't understand what work function is used in the metallic region to carry out the self-consistent calculation. Is it 0 eV? Perhaps, an example would help clarify:
Suppose I have a:
channel workfunction of 4eV.
I'd like to specify a gate workfunction of 5eV (which I can't pre-simulation).
Simulation running at various gate voltage range [-2,2] V.
a)If I can't specify a work function pre-simulation, how do I know that what is happening at -2V is not in reality happening at -20V?
b)In this example, what must I shift my x-axis by?
Thanks again,