How much memory do you have on the computer? Phonon calculations need a LOT of memory because it will create a supercell which may have up to 1000 atoms. It's possible to control the supercell size, but there is a risk of inaccurate results then.
Also, you don't need 5x5x5 k-points. Since the supercell is automatically created, and it will probably be a 5x5x5 or 7x7x7 cell, you will automatically obtain this k-point sampling by specifying only 1x1x1 k-points in the script. The way you do it, you actually get 25x25x25 or 35x35x35 k-points, which costs a huge amount of memory - and time.
But no matter what you do, these calculations need a serious amount of memory - but also parallelize phenomenally well up to 3N nodes where N is the number of atoms. So you could run this calculation on 18 nodes and it will be about 18 times faster. If you do run in parallel, but decide on a smaller number, keep it an integer factor of 3N (so, 3, 6, or 9 for your case).
Of course all these things should and will be explained in a tutorial!
i am puzzled about the bold above, it implies for a bulk system, when you want to calculate the phonon bandstructure and phonon dos, we need not to specify the K sampling, just let it is 1*1*1, because the code will detective automatic for you??
another related question is in the script, the K sampling is set for unit cell not or supper cell (repeat big cell)?
if it is set for the unit cell, for example in z direction, we set n, and then the code repeats 5 cells in this direction, i.e, the BZ region is reduce to
1/5 of that original size, according to the fold-zone band theory, the k sample is the same with that in the unit cell, only more denser.
but from the green color statement, it seems the the k points in BZ is increasing with the cell size in the real space?
so i am puzzled, please help me make this clear.