Hi, I would like to find the difference in electrostaticdifference (EDP) of two systems corresponding to different cut-planes. In particular, for system A I need EDP at cut-plane x=x1 (edpA_x1), and for system B at cut-plane x=x2 (edpB_x2)., so I can compute edpA_x1 - edpB_x2..
However, the following script only computes the difference of the whole systems and so doesn't work for me:
edpA = nlread("systemA.nc", ElectrostaticDifferencePotential)[0]
edpB = nlread("systemB.nc", ElectrostaticDifferencePotential)[0]
nlsave("diff.nc", edpA-edpB)
Any idea on selecting a particular cut-plane?
Also, when I export the EDP data into a CUBE file, the values contained in the file are much smaller as compared with what observed in VNL viewer. This is confusing.. Please advise. Many thanks.