Thank you Umberto...!!!!
Looking at the Constructor for the Device Density of States object,
I find that the default option for the "contributions" is "All" ....Thus,
the DDOS computed...considering the spatial Density matrices...for both the Left and Right electrodes;
makes it different from the bulk one..... Is this the key point ??
2) it was mentioned....
DDOS...can be obtained by integrating LDOS...over all space and energy.../ That's why we specify a
energy range in case of the DDOS...whereas, it's a single energy value for LDOS...!!
For LDOS....can we change the default energy of 0 any other value??
The thread you mentioned...doesn't portray the details...that under what cond.__
the atoms in any system... may show the '0' corresponding partial charge (e) values ??!!