I tryed cooking something together. It is done such that you give it your calculation as a netcdf file. You simply modify the script to have the correct filename
of your calculation, and then you give it the output file and then it will calculate the "dynamic capatitance" by using the formula from above
and store it a VNL file. I have attached the script, and created a plot of it in 2D, since it is easy to see things this way that in 3D if you ask me
Whatever the results are correct or not - that I don't know
For this Li-H2-Li wire which I tested on, it seems that the averaged dynamic capatitance is zero?
I am not soo used to matlab, but getting the data to xyz file is not a problem at all.
P.S It should be noted that I have given it the unit Ry despite the units is really Ry*Bohr**(-1.5), but in order to save as a Local potential I have tricked it a bit
The values are correct - just ignore the Ry.