Dear staffs:
I noticed that we can get thermoelectric coefficients (seebeck coefficient,S, conductance, G, phonon contribution to conductance Kph and electron contribution to conductance Ke) as the functions of fermilevel or temperature in the thermoelectric coefficient plugin. It seems that thermoelectric coefficient plugin can calculate these thermoelectric coefficients in linear response regime using eq1 (fig1), I think eq1 is derived from eq2 (fig2) . If I want to shift fermilevel (assume E=0.3) in thermoelectric coefficient plugin, does it mean EfL in eq1 is 0.08? IF I want to adjust temperature (assume T=500K) in thermoelectric coefficient plugin , does it mean TR in eq1 is 500K? Here is the case in fig3. By the way, how do you define an energy window for finite TR=TL, a certain constant or a variant as T?
Another question: in general , we can calculate the current using trasmission spetrum at 0K, the bias window is from -eV/2 to eV/2 . When at a finite temperature , however , the range of integration extends because of the change of the fermi distribution, how do we set the bias window at the finite temperature?
Looking forward to your replies
Best regards