I have a ReTe2 unit cell with 20 Ang vacuum on top. I would like to analyze monolayer properties by geometry optimization.
My parameters are 0.01 ev/Ang max_force and 0.001 ev/Ang3 max_stress. As per one of the (atk forum) posts, 0.001 is good as a stress value. I use GGA, PBE with DFT-D3 correction. xyz directions are free to move and bravais lattice is unconstrained. Isotropic pressure = 0 is used. I found that after optimization, the unit cell has expanded a lot. The total z direction now stands at 42 Ang. Is it normal given the above optimization conditions? I see the same for some other materials as well. What could lead to such a high expansion? I was assuming that 20 Ang vacuum should be enough to avoid z-direction expansion. I was intially planning to fix z-direction but clearly that would have given me incorrect results (?). If I use a supercell for further study, I would have to deal with a huge cell. Any work around? Does it make sense to fix the z-direction now for the supercell to study interaction with molecules?