Unfortunately, it cannot be imported directly into the Builder. I suggest that you use the following approach:
* Divide each image into separate files, possibly with the use of a shell script.
* If you want the images separately, you can then import each file on its own.
* If you would like a trajectory instead, you need to first convert the configurations in a script as explained in the documentation here:
https://docs.quantumwise.com/tutorials/vnl_io_import/vnl_io_import.html* Afterwards, or in the same script of course, you can collect the different configurations into a trajectory by using this function: trajectory._addConfiguration(bulk). Note that the underscore shows that we do not ensure backwards compatibility in new releases for this function.
I realize this method is a little more cumbersome, but it also strength of the Python interface, allowing you to do things that are not implemented in VNL.