Dear Quantumwise staff,
Recently, i have been studying the inelastic electron transmission spectrum (IETS) for two probe molecule system, and i have follow the example in ATKTutorials XLOE, the current formula is give by I(V,T)
\Big], the current are divided into symmetric and asymmetric contribution , and i am puzzed about the symmetric and asymmetric transmission function formula , first in Inelastic Transmission Spectrum analyzer , it divided into positive and negative inelastic transmission again, so should I add them up , dose it mean in the current formula Tsym? second , i found the data are all real number , but in the formula it should have imaginary number in symmetric transmission part. The last question is about the dimension of the current formula, as you can see , the symmetric and asymmetric inelastic transmission function part depend on the number of phonons and energy, but the symmetric and asymmetric universal functions depend on the bias , number of phonons and temperature ; so i wonder where is the energy dimension go ?
So, I really need your help and help me solve the puzzlement!
thanks a lot !