Broadening of the Gaussian.
Type: PhysicalQuantity with unit energy
Default: 0.1*eV
The referee say that the quality of DOS needs to be improved by employing a larger smearing width. If I want to improve smearing width, how can I set it?
I use the manuscript below, but it only present a picture and I cannot obtain data for dos and pdos. Because this picture needs to be plotted using Matlab, can you present a manuscript which can change smearing width and obtain data for dos and pdos (especially for pdos).
# read DOS object from file
dos = nlread('', DensityOfStates)[0]
# make list of energies
energies = numpy.arange(-14,5,0.01)*eV
# calculate the DOS spectrum with two different methods
dos_t = dos.tetrahedronSpectrum(energies)
dos_g = dos.gaussianSpectrum(energies, broadening = 0.2*eV)
#plot the spectra using pylab
import pylab
pylab.plot(energies.inUnitsOf(eV), dos_t.inUnitsOf(eV**-1))
pylab.plot(energies.inUnitsOf(eV), dos_g.inUnitsOf(eV**-1))
pylab.xlabel("Energy (eV)")
pylab.ylabel("DOS (1/eV)")