Dear all,
I would like to know if it is possible to transfer psoudopotentials between ATK and SIESTA.
I made N-pseudopotential in SIESTA, the beginning of the file is :
SIESTA---------- NITROGEN.psf
N ca nrl nc
ATM 3.2.2 22-APR-09 Kerker
2s 2.00 r= 0.92/2p 3.00 r= 0.80/3d 0.00 r= 0.79/4f 0.00 r= 0.79/
4 0 1018 0.354107453809E-03 0.125000000000E-01 5.00000000000
Radial grid follows
0.445412344792E-05 0.896427287179E-05 0.135311529916E-04 0.181554773917E-04
0.228379686322E-04 0.275793583619E-04 0.323803874325E-04 0.372418060146E-04
0.421643737147E-04 0.471488596942E-04 0.521960427889E-04 0.573067116317E-04
0.624816647748E-04 0.677217108153E-04 0.730276685210E-04 0.784003669585E-04
0.838406456230E-04 0.893493545690E-04 0.949273545435E-04 0.100575517120E-03
0.106294724837E-03 0.112085871330E-03 0.117949861479E-03 0.123887611544E-03
0.129900049310E-03 0.135988114233E-03 0.142152757586E-03 0.148394942607E-03
0.154715644649E-03 0.161115851336E-03 0.167596562712E-03 0.174158791402E-03
The ATK pseudopotential file with name - n_pz.upf contain this information in the begining:
ATM3 no_date Troullier-Martins
0 Version Number
N Element
NC Norm - Conserving pseudopotential
T Nonlinear Core Correction
SLA PZ NOGX NOGC PZ Exchange-Correlation functional
5 Z valence
0 Total energy
0.0000000 0.0000000 Suggested cutoff for wfc and rho
3 Max angular momentum component
1018 Number of points in mesh
4 4 Number of Wavefunctions, Number of Projectors
Wavefunctions nl l occ
2S 0 2
2P 1 3
3D 2 0
4F 3 0
4.45412344792e-06 8.96427287179e-06 1.35311529916e-05 1.81554773917e-05
2.28379686322e-05 2.75793583619e-05 3.23803874325e-05 3.72418060146e-05
4.21643737147e-05 4.71488596942e-05 5.21960427889e-05 5.73067116317e-05
6.24816647748e-05 6.77217108153e-05 7.3027668521e-05 7.84003669585e-05
8.3840645623e-05 8.9349354569e-05 9.49273545435e-05 0.00010057551712
0.000106294724837 0.00011208587133 0.000117949861479 0.000123887611544
0.00012990004931 0.000135988114233 0.000142152757586 0.000148394942607
0.000154715644649 0.000161115851336 0.000167596562712 0.000174158791402
0.000180803562768 0.000187531915069 0.000194344899623 0.000201243580973
0.000208229037052 0.000215302359352 0.000222464653093 0.0002297170374
0.000237060645471 0.00024449662476 0.000252026137154 0.000259650359155
The beginning of the radial grid is the same. I checked the file further and the numbers are almost match. Therefore my question is:
Can I use the redial grid from ATK program in my SIESTA calculation?

Obviously their is some relation.
One more question:
what is the difference between the files:
'chemical-element' _pz.upf and 'hemical-element' _pbe.upf
Thank you very much for your help.