Thank you for the information, actually I have searched the literature, and I found that very few numbers of works are done with this element. I don't know how can create my own potential using quantumwise sowftware.
Recently, I am trying to do thin film deposition of Sn on Corundum(Al203),but I keep getting this kind of error massage " Total : 37.34 s
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 742, in <module>
File ".\zipdir\NL\Dynamics\MolecularDynamics\", line 388, in MolecularDynamics
File "", line 664, in __call__
next_element = possible_elements[element_index]
IndexError: list index out of range" .
so, my question is whether my scripts file hasn't written properly OR something else.
I would really appreciate if you go through my scripts file once.
Thank you once again.