I calculated a FET with gate_source_voltages=numpy.linspace(-1, 0.5, 31)*Volt, drain_source_voltages=0.5*Volt. When I finished my caculations, I want to get the PLDOS results and corresponding spectral current at gate =[-0.6, -0.2, 0.2]*Volt. I used the addAnalysis method and I can read PLDOS results from IV-Characteristics Analyzer, but I can not export txt data of PLDOS. In addition, the spectral current information is also missing. I know that we can get the spectral current picture in the left plate when we calculate the PLDOS . So I decide to calculate PLDOS by using adjust configuration method, but it is very time consuming and the results often unconvergence. So I want to get the SCF configuration files when I calculate IV with the IVCharacteristics Study object. Or is there a better way? Thank you!