General Questions and Answers / I-V of the nanowire is not able to converged
« on: August 3, 2021, 08:35 »
Dear Sir
I want to calculate the IV for the attached file of nanowire but it is not converging although in bulk form it has already converged. I have changed the k points, reduced step size, increased number of steps, reduced damping factor etc. but not able to converge to require tolerance.
I have also tried to compute the transmission spectrum but it has also not converged above 0.2V.
I want to calculate the IV for the attached file of nanowire but it is not converging although in bulk form it has already converged. I have changed the k points, reduced step size, increased number of steps, reduced damping factor etc. but not able to converge to require tolerance.
I have also tried to compute the transmission spectrum but it has also not converged above 0.2V.