Author Topic: Good news for new users -video on total ATK/VNL workflow released on Youtube  (Read 6165 times)

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Offline Nanna

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- And on YouKu!

In QuantumWise we are aware that the most of our videos demonstrate the Builder. However we also know, that a lot of people still watch the old videos that show other parts of the program. We suppose that this means a demand for videos, that show a total workflow in Virtual Nanolab, including how to use the Scripter, Job Manager and the many options in the Viewer.

Well here is one, and there are more to come after the next ATK release.
Youtube: Electronic Transport Through A Distorted Nanoribbon
YouKu:  Electronic Transport Through A Distorted Nanoribbon

« Last Edit: December 7, 2012, 15:29 by Nanna »